Transformer core Amorphous Alloy Core

Amorphous Alloy Core

Description: Overview Product description:Amorphous alloy cores are divided into three-phase oil immersed amorphous alloy transformer cores, single-phase oil immersed amorphous alloy transformer cores, underground amorphous alloy transformer cores, and underground amorphous alloy road-lamp transformer core, common box combined amorphous alloy transformer core, split box combined amorphous alloy transformer core, three-phase dry-type amorphous alloy transformer core, according to di...


Product description:Amorphous alloy cores are divided into three-phase oil immersed amorphous alloy transformer cores, single-phase oil immersed amorphous alloy transformer cores, underground amorphous alloy transformer cores, and

underground amorphous alloy road-lamp transformer core, common box combined amorphous alloy transformer core, split box combined amorphous alloy transformer core, three-phase dry-type amorphous alloy transformer core, according to different uses.

The size design of theiron core retains the physical size of the existing amorphous iron core in the market, which can

meet the assembly technology, equipment and capacity requirements of the customer’s existing amorphous transformer. The joint design of theiron core adopts a relatively advanced distributed laminated structure. When the amorphous alloy transformer core is used in an oil immersed transformer, it can significantly reduce a variety of harmful gases.



+ Compared with silicon steel sheet transformers of the same capacity and voltage level, the no-load loss is reduced by 70%-80%, and no-load current is reduced by about 75%, and the energy saving effect is obvious;
+ Through the assembly table, the assembly is simple and fast, and the production capacity can be greatly improved;
+ Amorphous alloy transformers are small and lightweight, reducing direct material costs;
+ Simple and fast assembly of the body, great increase of production capacity;
+ Low noise.

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